
Location: Nashville, Serving Tennessee


Is Counseling For You?

Welcome to our succinct but indepth starter guide to take you from wondering what counseling really is, how it works, and whether it's for you to having those answers and knowing what to do next.

What You'll learn:

  • What counseling really is
  • What counseling is for
  • How it works, and why
  • Different types of mental health professionals and organizations
  • The answers to all our most frequently asked questions
  • How to know if counseling is worth trying for you

What is Counseling?

Put simply, counseling is the act of sharing wisdom, experience, or information in the process of providing guidance to someone who is navigating particular situations or life in general.

Counsel has always been around. For leaders such as kings, queens, prime ministers, and presidents, to the parents or guardians responsible for raising children. From our closest friends, to complete strangers, counsel can come from any place, and in many forms.

That said, it can be hard to find good counsel. Yes, books, media like youtube, teachers, parents, friends, spiritual leaders, and others can all be wonderful sources of wisdom and guidance, but for many of us, they’re not enough.

Perhaps you are struggling with specific issues and would benefit from specialized guidance, or perhaps right now there's no one immediately available that you can trust to provide the quality of counsel you are looking for.

Professional counseling provides qualified, richly experienced, and regulated guidance and personalized support on how you can work through the common problems of life as well as more complex mental health conditions.

This individualized focus allows you to identify what is stopping you from achieving your goals. 

Everyone needs personalized, qualified, experienced guidance and support and that’s why counselors exist. In today's digital age, virtual counseling options like EXODUS make it easier than ever to access this support from the comfort of your own space and at a lower cost than traditional in-person therapy.

Let's jump into what exactly counseling can help with.

How Can Counseling Help You?

As counseling has grown as a profession, the scope of practice for counselors has grown too. Counselors are educated in various fields and come from many backgrounds.

They often choose to specialize in certain areas that are either related to the type of client, or the type of condition or area of life.

For example a counselor might specialize in ‘grief counseling’ and treat people across the various ages, populations, and other demographics; yet another counselor might specialize specifically in treating children. Some clinicians may even specialize in the specific type of treatment modality such as providing specifically Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, or any of the many treatments that have been tried and tested. 

Counselors come from many backgrounds and with many specialties

Every licensed counselor is educated in and should be able to assess and diagnose mental illnesses that have been identified and documented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM). That’s a fancy way of describing what every therapist is technically qualified to do. What’s important to remember is that not all therapists are created equal in all areas of care, and specializations allow counselors to establish their niche, and serve the population and conditions that they are most knowledgeable about, experienced in, and effective at treating. 

Here’s a brief list of some of the specific disorders therapists might treat as well as a list of more generalized struggles one might seek counseling for:

Specific Disorders

  • Marriage/Couples Counseling
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Trauma/PTSD and related therapies such as Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Processing Therapy, or Prolonged Exposure Therapy)
  • Grief/Adjustments to Major Stressors
  • Addiction/Substance Use
  • Eating Disorders
  • Anger Management
  • Personality Disorders (Borderline PD, Narcissistic PD, Antisocial PD, etc)
  • Learning Disorders such as ADHD
  • Conduct Disorders such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Developmental Disorders such as Autism
  • And many others. 

More Generalized Struggles

  • Feeling Stuck
  • Confidence & Self Worth
  • Lack of Motivation or Discipline
  • Court Mandated Therapy
  • Accountability
  • New Perspectives

Counseling or therapy isn’t for the weak, or the strong. We all have weaknesses, we all have strengths. Counseling helps you use your strengths to become the best version of yourself.

"Counseling isn’t for the weak or the strong, it’s for everyone."

Does Counseling Work? And How?

Yes, we can unequivocally state that counseling can be very effective at resolving mental health issues and empowering individuals to experience life with more peace, joy, and clarity.

Studies have consistently demonstrated the behavioral and emotional improvements that counseling can bring, often performing as well or even better than medication.

This is due to something called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to physically change based on your experiences. Everything you’ve experienced up to this point in your life has affected your brain in a particular way, and every decision you make going forward affects your brain as well.

This means that while you might have had difficult experiences that could have led to mental health struggles, you now possess the knowledge and ability to follow a process via counseling to improve and restore your mental health.

You’re not broken beyond repair. There’s always hope for growth and healing, and with counseling you have a path to pursue it..

Are There Different Types Of Mental Health Professionals?

Yes, there are several types of mental health professionals each with their own unique scope of practice and educational requirements.


Also called therapists, counselors are educated, licensed, and credentialed professionals who may specialize in particular demographics or conditions. Counselors use methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and others.

Psychiatrists & Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. They can prescribe medication and provide psychotherapy. Psychiatric nurse practitioners are nurse practitioners who’ve undergone specialized training in mental health. They can diagnose and treat mental illnesses and, if allowed by state law, prescribe medication.


Psychologists hold a doctoral degree in clinical psychology or a related field. They are trained to evaluate a person's mental health, make diagnoses, and provide individual and group therapy. They are often found in education and research roles. Read more about psychologists here.

Social Workers

Social workers are individuals trained to provide assessments, diagnoses, and even therapy for specific cases. They may also offer case management and advocacy services. Social workers are a key element to combating the current mental health epidemic in the United States.

Types of Mental Health Organizations

Given the myriad of various specialties and variety of cases in the field of mental health care, every organization is different and built to cater to specific needs.

For instance, a substance abuse clinic may have residential wings to support people in active addiction or acute recovery from withdrawal, similar to psychiatric hospitals who serve clients struggling with severe psychosis or suicidal behaviors. 

Others, like EXODUS, are built to serve people at the "Outpatient" level of care, who are struggling with less 'life-threatening' mental health struggles and more everyday self-improvement and emotional management and processing issues.

Another key difference between the various counseling organization models involves 'payment models' and while the majority use the medical insurance model, a growing number of others operate as 'self-pay only.' 

There are a growing number of mental health organizations using a self pay model, for a number of reasons.

1. Streamlined Care

Working with any insurance company brings on a great drain on counseling organizations - from getting claims approved and the ensuing administrative waste, to the often prolonged bureaucratic processes that take counselors away from what they do best.

2. Control & Flexibility

A self pay organization can work with you to provide what’s best for you, not what fits into a particular insurance company’s plan. You will have the flexibility and freedom to choose the right counselor and schedule for you.

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3. Preserving Client Privacy

A mental health diagnosis is often required in order to begin insurance covered counseling. If you don’t qualify for a particular treatment under your insurance plan, or prefer to keep mental health diagnoses off your medical record, a self pay organization will give you control while retaining your privacy.

3. Preserving Client Privacy

A mental health diagnosis is often required in order to begin insurance covered counseling. If you don’t qualify for a particular treatment under your insurance plan, or prefer to keep mental health diagnoses off your medical record, a self pay organization will give you control while retaining your privacy.

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4. Stronger Clinicians, Better Counsel

The state of your mental health is the lens through which you experience every part of life. From how you interact with yourself, with your family, with your significant other, it determines how you experience everything life is, or can be. Counseling has consistently proven to be effective in improving mental health and consequently, effective at empowering individuals to improve their lives.

At EXODUS Counseling, We firmly believe that intentionality and decisiveness matter. Our mission is simple – to empower our clients to experience improved lives with accessible world class care. A simpler business model allows us to spend more time and resources on improving what we do for you – not what we do for insurance companies. Our clients invest in themselves, we do everything to ensure the investment is rewarded many times over.

As in any medical profession, counseling is a field with a high burnout rate, and counselors can easily fall prey to the stiff requirements of the job. 

With continued education, reasonable caseloads, and an integrative approach to mental health care on both sides of the room, EXODUS sets the tone for prioritizing mental health across the board.

A strong clinician will provide much better counseling than one who is burned out, fatigued, and just trying to get through the day.

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6. Lastly, Self Pay Frees Up Resources Elsewhere

With a simpler business model, a self pay organization can put more adminstrative resources towards participating in non-profits, charities, and volunteering. At EXODUS, we have an upcoming program in which each of our clinicians will be providing pro bono counseling for individuals like veterans, former first responders, homeless, and others. This will be our inaugural program like this and we intend to launch many more in the coming years

Learn more about our programs here.

6. Lastly, Self Pay Frees Up Resources Elsewhere

With a simpler business model, a self pay organization can put more adminstrative resources towards participating in non-profits, charities, and volunteering. At EXODUS, we have an upcoming program in which each of our clinicians will be providing pro bono counseling for individuals like veterans, former first responders, homeless, and others. This will be our inaugural program like this and we intend to launch many more in the coming years

Learn more about our programs here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does a typical counseling session last?

    The average counseling session lasts around 53 minutes. Couples or family sessions can be up to 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the clients’ needs and clinician preference.

  • How frequently should I attend counseling sessions?

    Consistency is important to retain insight and to apply lessons in your life. On average, you’d begin with one session a week and adjust up or down as you progress.

  • What qualifications and credentials do counselors have?

    All practitioners providing mental health services in the state of Tennessee are required to be licensed through the Board for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists, and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapists. Past credentials and licensure, a clinician’s qualifications depend on their own discipline, focus, and specialties. At EXODUS, we invest greatly in each of our counselors so we can provide increasingly better care for our clients.

    The requirements for licensure can be found on the board's website: Professional Counselors & Therapists (

  • Is counseling confidential?


    Confidentiality is a cornerstone of the mental health profession and helps to create a safe environment where clients can share their authentic thoughts and feelings about their lives. All counselors and mental health professionals are privileged communicators, meaning that they are required by law to keep the confidentiality of their clients. 

    There are some exceptions, and these generally have to do with suicidal and homicidal thoughts or behaviors, as well as certain types of abuse that are disclosed in and out of session. More information on how mental health professionals treat confidentiality can be found in the American Counseling Association's “Code of Ethics.”

  • How much does counseling or therapy cost, and do you accept insurance?

    As previously mentioned, EXODUS provides self pay only counseling services in order to provide better care and do more good for our community. Our sessions are either 1 hour (53 minutes) for $90, a 45 minute session is $75, and a 30 minute session is $60. 1 Hour sessions are most common, but you accomplish a great deal in a half hour as well. 

    There are pros and cons to this system, just like any other, but ultimately we chose this in order to provide better quality care to our clients. We’re proud to be able to provide world class counseling at the same rates, or lower, as an average music lesson!

  • Can I choose the gender/age of my counselor?


    When looking for a counselor, you should think about who you are most comfortable being around and talking to, and what age or gender a counselor is can play a significant role in how you participate.That being said, you may be surprised with who you find works well for you, which is why it is important for you to be open to changing counselors if you need to.

  • Can couples or families attend counseling together?

    Of course! 

    Generally these types of sessions are best kept under their specific therapeutic type meaning couples counseling or family counseling, respectively, instead of a partner or family members attending an individual’s session. This ensures that the therapeutic relationship is not disrupted, but established as it begins with every member present.

  • What is the cancellation/no show policy for counseling sessions?

    We understand life gets in the way and schedules change. There’s absolutely no charge to reschedule or cancel a session as long as a 24 prior notice is given. For last minute cancellations taking place within 24 hours of your appointment, there is a $35 fee.

  • What should I expect in the first counseling session?

    Your first session is arguably the most important for establishing your relationship with your counselor. This session is about getting to know you. You might also be nervous or a little anxious about speaking or confiding in someone, which is completely normal. Those feelings usually transform into comfort and familiarity as you get to know your counselor and as they get to know you.

    Expect to spend some time with your counselor answering questions about what brings you into the session and giving some detail about your background. They’ll be listening to you a lot, as they do, they’ll be putting together the foundation for future sessions through open questions, active listening, and suggesting activities for you to practice.Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

  • What should I expect as counseling continues?

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italiAs you continue in your sessions and actively participate in applying what you’ve learned, your counselor will be seeking to guide you in how you can continue to make progress. Ideally, you’ll find navigating your particular circumstances easier, have more peace or clarity, understand yourself and possibly your struggles better, and generally feel as if there’s been an improvement in yourself or your life. It’s important to remember that counseling can be a difficult process and what constitutes “improvement” is very dependent on your particular circumstances and how you participate in your self growth.cs or bold, and add links.

  • How do I know when counseling has been successful, and if it’s time to end?

    Describe the itOne of the most important and difficult parts of counseling is its conclusion. This is due often to the specifics of each person’s life, and since no two people are identical, having a clear idea of what constitutes success can be difficult. Sometimes it's obvious, other times it's subtle, ultimately if you feel as though counseling has helped, or is not working anymore, you are right. If your counseling experience has been centered around treating a particular diagnosis or disorder, it might have a clear conclusion. Otherwise, there is absolutely nothing wrong with utilizing counseling on a routine, ongoing basis indefinitely.em or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

How Do You Know If Counseling Is Right For You?

If there is something you don't know, counseling is right for you. Being a human being is complex and depending on your background or circumstances, you may or may not have sources of counsel in your life to help you navigate it. 

Counseling isn't a treatment plan solely reserved for those struggling with severe conditions, and while disorders of Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Behavior, Learning, and others are frequently what counselors treat, life itself is complex and full of challenges.

Ask yourself these questions…

  1. Are you struggling with anything in particular? 
  2. Have you been diagnosed with anything?
  3. Have you noticed patterns in your life you want to change?
  4. Do you have questions you don’t know how to answer?
  5. Have you struggled with knowing what to feel, how to respond, and what to do?
  6. Are you frequently in situations you don’t know how to navigate?
  7. Are you struggling in particular relationships?

If you said yes to any of these questions, then having someone who is reliable and unbiased can be instrumental in helping you faster than you might otherwise on your own.

Counseling is For Everyone.

We all need counsel and we always have

We ALL need counsel in our lives. Some of us are fortunate to find it in friends, family, colleagues, teachers, and others. In ancient times kings, queens, and leaders always had counsel. Even now, the president has counsel. Nobody has all the answers.

Sometimes you have to seek out counsel

While some of us find enough counsel in our circle, some of us aren’t so fortunate. Many of us are dealing with experiences or circumstances that require more specialized guidance and therapy, and that’s fine. That’s why organizations like EXODUS Counseling exist.

Counseling is a process for building the life you want

Whether you’re dealing with an acute struggle (grief, trauma, something like that) or more of a general struggle (depression, anxiety, etc), counseling can be effective in making progress, improving your life, and finding more peace, fulfillment, and happiness.

Your Next Steps

Counseling and mentorship are not easy undertakings, because they require that you intentionally take responsibility for your own life. If you’re interested in one of these services, it’s probably because you’ve already learned that life is not easy, support can help, and the only way to make the life you want a reality is discipline.

Confronting yourself happens every day whether you like it or not, but if you struggle to win the daily battle of living in accordance with your own values, there is no other way than to do the things you need to do to get ahead of yourself, than to just do them.

Engaging in counseling can encourage you to participate in your life in new ways and is all aimed at helping you make your life what you want it to be.

With the right counselor, in the right place, at the right time, and the right attitude, counseling can be a wonderful and transformative experience, and while challenging, will be worth it.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about counseling with EXODUS, if you have any questions or are interested in scheduling an appointment with us to find the right counselor for you, get in touch below!

Serving the Entire State of Tennessee

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At EXODUS, we've seen the immense positive impact counseling, therapy, and mentorship can have on someone's life in their pursuit of stability, meaning, joy, fulfillment, and more. Wherever you are in your life's journey and wherever you are in the state of Tennessee, with EXODUS you have reliable world class counseling right at your fingertips.

Although each individual's needs differ greatly, an earnest exploration of counseling can be a richly rewarding and life changing endeavor. Reach out today and see if we're a good fit.

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